Mastering Enhancement: Night Crows Artifacts Upgrade Tips

In the dynamic world of Night Crows, mastering the art of artifact enhancement can mean the difference between victory and defeat. With the right strategies and resources(Night Crows Diamonds and items), adventurers can elevate their gear to unparalleled heights, unlocking new levels of power and resilience. In this guide, we delve into the secrets of crafting and upgrading rare artifacts to +6 and beyond.

Gathering Resources:
Before embarking on your enhancement journey, it’s crucial to gather the necessary resources. Daily visits to NPC merchants can provide essential enhancement materials, while diligent exploration and combat yield valuable crafting ingredients. Keep a keen eye out for opportunities to acquire enhancement materials, as they will form the backbone of your upgrade endeavors.

Choosing Your Targets:
Not all artifacts are created equal, and it’s essential to prioritize your enhancement efforts wisely. Focus on artifacts that align with your playstyle and objectives, whether you seek increased damage output, enhanced survivability, or specialized utility. By targeting specific artifacts for enhancement, you can maximize the benefits gained from your efforts.

Starting Small:
When beginning the enhancement process, it’s prudent to start small and gradually work your way up. Begin by enhancing your artifacts to +1 or +2 using readily available enhancement materials. This allows you to familiarize yourself with the enhancement system and gauge your success rate before committing more valuable resources.

Utilizing Enhancement Materials:
Enhancement materials come in various forms, each with its own benefits and costs. Daily enhancement materials obtained from NPC merchants provide a reliable source of enhancement opportunities without depleting your stockpile of valuable crafting ingredients. However, for more significant upgrades, such as reaching +6 or higher, you may need to expend rarer materials obtained through exploration, combat, or special events.

Crafting and Upgrading:
Crafting and upgrading artifacts to +6 and beyond requires a combination of patience, strategy, and luck. Begin by enhancing your artifacts incrementally, using a combination of enhancement materials and luck to reach higher levels of enhancement. Keep a close eye on success rates and adjust your approach accordingly, conserving resources when necessary and seizing opportunities for advancement.

Unlocking Attributes:
In addition to enhancing artifact levels, adventurers can unlock powerful attributes to further augment their gear’s capabilities. Attribute unlocking requires additional crafting materials and offers substantial benefits, such as increased stats, unique abilities, and enhanced combat prowess. Choose attributes that complement your playstyle and objectives, ensuring maximum effectiveness on the battlefield.

Persistence and Adaptability:
Enhancing artifacts to +6 and beyond is a journey fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Persistence and adaptability are key virtues, as success may not come easily or quickly. Remain steadfast in your pursuit of enhancement, adjusting your strategies and approaches as needed to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

In the realm of Night Crows, the path to greatness is paved with the enhancement of artifacts. By mastering the craft of artifact enhancement and following these tips, adventurers can unlock the full potential of their gear, rising to new heights of power and prestige. Embrace the challenge, harness the resources at your disposal, and embark on a journey of enhancement and triumph in Night Crows.

With these tips in mind, adventurers can embark on their enhancement journey with confidence, knowing that success awaits those who persevere. May your artifacts shine brightly and your adventures be filled with glory and conquest. Safe travels, and may fortune smile upon you in the realm of Night Crows.

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Last Epoch: Ignite Frostclaw Elemental Nova Sorcerer Build

Last Epoch has been a playground for creative theory crafters and builders, and today we’re diving into the Hall of Fame episode for the Celestial Hlex Ignite Frostclaw Elemental Nova Sorcerer. This build is a testament to innovation and optimization, taking advantage of unique mechanics to unleash devastating elemental fury upon foes. Originally conceived as a means to spam Elemental Novas using Frostclaw, this build has evolved through patches and bug fixes, culminating in a powerhouse setup that dominates the battlefield.

Meet MMOexp:

To delve into the intricacies of this build, since version 0.85, MMOexp brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. His journey with the Ignite Frostclaw Elemental Nova Sorcerer began with a desire to reimagine and refine the build for the 1.0 patch, exploring the changes and maximizing its potential.

Key Improvements in Patch 1.0:

Highlights the crucial improvements introduced in patch 1.0 that elevated the build’s performance. Frostclaw received significant adjustments, reducing mana costs and enhancing mana recovery mechanics. This allowed for smoother gameplay and freed up-skill specialization slots for additional optimizations. Moreover, bug fixes, particularly addressing Elemental Nova’s scaling with area of effect, drastically improved damage output, ensuring that every nova hit its mark with precision.

Unleashing Massive Damage:

With these enhancements in place, the iteration of the build boasts staggering damage potential. Testing on dummies yielded over a million dots per tick, showcasing the build’s capability to decimate enemies swiftly. The synergy between Frostclaw and Elemental Nova creates a relentless barrage of elemental devastation, melting even formidable bosses like the Necro Dragon with ease.

Understanding the Build:

For newcomers, provides a succinct overview of the build’s mechanics. Leveraging Celestial Conflux on Frostclaw and synergizing it with Elemental Nova’s tree, the build focuses on triggering Elemental Nova multiple times per cast of Frostclaw. By maximizing cast repetitions and augmenting Elemental Nova’s area and damage, the build achieves unparalleled effectiveness in igniting foes and sustaining damage output.

Sorcerer vs. Rune Master:

A common question arises: why choose Sorcerer over Rune Master for this build? Explains that Sorcerer’s passive nodes offer substantial boosts to ignite duration, crucial for maximizing damage over time. Additionally, access to Meteor and the powerful Crater Born node further enhances damage potential and cast speed, making Sorcerer the preferred choice for this fiery arsenal.

Optimizations and Adaptations:

Throughout the discussion, elaborates on the optimizations and adaptations made to the build. Replacing Calamity with Crest of Unity, he emphasizes the latter’s superior utility as a stat stick and defensive asset. Furthermore, tweaks to mana cost reduction and adjustments in gear selection refine the build’s performance, ensuring smooth gameplay and formidable damage output.

Challenges and Triumphs:

Despite encountering challenges such as game optimization issues and adjustments to itemization post-patch, MMOexp navigates through them with ingenuity and perseverance. His dedication to refining the build yields impressive results, solidifying its status as a formidable contender in Last Epoch’s diverse landscape of builds.


The Ignite Frostclaw Elemental Nova Sorcerer stands as a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of Last Epoch’s player base. Through meticulous optimization and adaptation, MMOexp has crafted a build that exemplifies the thrill of theory crafting and the satisfaction of unleashing devastating elemental power. As players continue to explore the depths of Eterra, builds like this serve as beacons of inspiration, driving the community forward in pursuit of greatness.

For more guides and all the latest news about Last Epoch, check out MMOexp. Buy Last Epoch gold from! Safe and Fast, 24/7 online service.

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A Guide to Crafting and Operating Boats in Myth of Empires

In the vast and dynamic world of Myth of Empires, mastering the art of boat crafting and navigation can be a game-changer for adventurers seeking to explore distant shores and conquer uncharted territories. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of boat crafting and operation, from gathering materials to setting sail on epic voyages across the seas.

Crafting Your First Boat

At level 38, players unlock the ability to craft their first boats in Myth of Empires. These humble vessels, known as rafts, serve as the foundation for larger and more formidable ships down the line. To craft a raft, head to the carpentry bench and gather the required materials: wheels, planks, ingots, and rope. Once you’ve gathered the necessary components, assemble them at the carpentry bench to construct your raft.

Fueling Your Journey

No boat can set sail without fuel to power its voyage. In Myth of Empires, players have three options for boat fuel: basic, normal, and advanced. Basic fuel can be crafted using low-quality barley, rice, and raw meat. Simply gather the ingredients and combine them to create fuel for your vessel. Keep in mind that the type of fuel you choose will impact your boat’s speed and efficiency, so choose wisely based on the demands of your journey.

Selecting Your Crew

Every boat needs a capable crew to navigate the treacherous waters of Myth of Empires. While some players may opt for a solo sailing experience, others may choose to recruit animals to assist them in their maritime adventures. Common choices for boat companions include boars and wolves, thanks to their ease of taming and reliability. However, players may experiment with other animals such as panthers and bears, though further research is needed to determine their suitability for maritime travel.

Setting Sail

With your raft constructed, fuel reserves stocked, and crew assembled, it’s time to embark on your maiden voyage. Approach your boat and interact with it to board with your chosen crew. Once aboard, access the boat’s menu to assign crew members to various tasks and ensure that your fuel reserves are properly stocked. Additionally, players can tether their mounts to the boat to prevent them from wandering or falling overboard during the journey.

Navigating the Seas

As you sail the open waters of Myth of Empires, be prepared for a variety of challenges and encounters along the way. From hostile sea creatures to rival players vying for control of the seas, navigating the oceans requires skill, strategy, and a keen eye for opportunity. Keep an eye on your fuel reserves and crew morale, and be prepared to adjust your course as needed to avoid danger and maximize your chances of success.


In Myth of Empires, mastering the art of boat crafting and navigation opens up a world of possibilities for intrepid adventurers. Whether you’re exploring distant islands, engaging in naval combat, or establishing trade routes with distant lands, boats are essential tools for survival and conquest in this expansive sandbox world. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to embark on epic voyages and write your own story of maritime adventure in Myth of Empires.

For more guides and all the latest news about Myth of Empires, check out MMOexp. Buy Myth of Empires Copper Coins from! Safe and Fast, 24/7 online service.

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Crafting a Profitable Trade Route for Silver in Skull and Bones

If you’re seeking to bolster your silver reserves in Skull and Bones, a well-crafted trade route is essential. While Po8 coins may be the ultimate currency in the late game, accumulating millions of silver is paramount for purchasing blueprints and advancing through the Kingpin journey. Allow me to share insights into developing a solid trade route that maximizes profitability while minimizing server stress and loading times.

Current Trade Route Overview:

At present, your trade route revolves around sourcing goods at Dutchman Camp, encompassing items such as Brendy, Wine, Gim, and Paints. Subsequently, you navigate to Ruined Lighthouse, The Necropoles, and Kaa Mangroove to offload your merchandise for profit. While this approach offers potential gains, it is not without its challenges.

Challenges with the Current Method:

1, Loading Times: Due to your game being stored on a HDD, reloading the trade route process entails lengthy loading times ranging from 3 to 5 minutes. This significantly impacts efficiency and detracts from the overall experience.

2, Server Stress: Constantly logging out and rejoining servers to restock NPC items places undue stress on the game servers. While not illegal, it may contribute to server instability and disrupt the gameplay experience for others.

Crafting a Solution:

To address these challenges and optimize your trade route for maximum profitability and ethical gameplay, consider the following strategies:

1, Optimize Loading Times:

  • Investigate upgrading to a solid-state drive (SSD) for faster loading times and smoother gameplay.
  • Streamline your trade route by minimizing unnecessary stops and focusing on high-value goods with significant profit margins.

2, Reduce Server Stress:

  • Instead of frequently logging out and rejoining servers, strive to make the most of your time within a single server session.
  • Prioritize efficiency by planning your trade route meticulously to minimize the need for server-hopping.

3, Diversify Your Trade Route:

  • Explore alternative trading posts and regions to expand your market reach and capitalize on diverse pricing dynamics.
  • Consider incorporating goods with higher demand and profitability to enhance your silver-generating potential.

4, Embrace Ethical Gameplay:

  • Maintain a conscientious approach to gameplay by avoiding actions that may strain server resources or disrupt other players’ experiences.
  • Uphold fair play principles by adhering to in-game rules and guidelines while pursuing your trading endeavors.

Potential Trade Route Enhancements:

  • Identify high-demand goods with favorable price differentials between Dutchman Camp and your target selling destinations.
  • Experiment with different trade routes and adjust your strategy based on market fluctuations and evolving economic conditions.
  • Collaborate with fellow players to exchange insights, share trade route optimizations, and collectively thrive in the lucrative world of commerce.


Crafting a solid trade route for silver in Skull and Bones requires strategic planning, adaptability, and a commitment to ethical gameplay. By optimizing loading times, reducing server stress, and diversifying your trading activities, you can enhance your profitability while upholding the integrity of your gaming experience. Remember, lots of Skull and Bones Items are also a great way to trade for Silver. With perseverance and ingenuity, you’ll navigate the seas of commerce with confidence and reap the rewards of your entrepreneurial endeavors. Happy trading!

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Exploring the Holy Archetype in Ravendawn Online

In the vast and immersive world of Ravendawn Online, players are granted the opportunity to delve into various archetypes, each with its unique abilities and playstyles. Among these archetypes, Holy stands out as a beacon of light and hope, channeling the restorative energies of the Dawn to heal allies and vanquish foes. Within the intricate tapestry of this virtual realm, mastering the Holy archetype not only requires skill but also an understanding of the delicate balance between mercy and divine retribution.

The Divine Healer:

At its core, the Holy archetype in Ravendawn Online embodies the quintessential healer role. Players who choose this path become the guardians of life on the battlefield, wielding the power of the Dawn to mend wounds and soothe the weary souls of their comrades. Through potent spells and blessings, they act as beacons of hope amidst the chaos of conflict, ensuring that their allies stand strong against adversity.

One of the defining characteristics of the Holy archetype is its proficiency in healing magic. From mending minor abrasions to restoring grievous injuries, Holy users possess a diverse array of spells tailored to address various degrees of harm. Whether it’s a swift application of healing light or a prolonged invocation of celestial energies, these practitioners are adept at turning the tide of battle through the mending touch of their hands.

Moreover, Holy users excel in providing support to their allies through buffs and protective wards. By invoking the blessings of the Dawn, they can enhance the resilience and prowess of their comrades, imbuing them with the strength to face even the most daunting adversaries. In the heat of battle, the timely intervention of a Holy practitioner can mean the difference between victory and defeat, as they fortify their allies against the onslaught of their foes.

The Wrath of the Dawn:

However, beneath the benevolent facade of healing lies a potent undercurrent of divine wrath. Skilled Holy users in Ravendawn Online possess the ability to harness the full power of the Dawn, unleashing devastating attacks upon their enemies with righteous fury. In times of dire need, they can call upon the sacred fire to smite their foes where they stand, purging darkness with the searing light of the heavens.

This duality of healing and holy retribution adds depth to the Holy archetype, transforming its practitioners into versatile combatants capable of both defense and offense. While their primary focus remains on safeguarding their allies, Holy users must also be prepared to confront evil head-on, wielding the power of righteousness to vanquish those who would threaten the sanctity of the realm.

The Path of the Holy:

Mastering the Holy archetype in Ravendawn Online is a journey fraught with challenges and trials. To excel in this sacred path, players must not only hone their skills in the art of healing but also cultivate a deep connection with the divine forces that govern the world. Through devotion and dedication, they can unlock the full potential of the Holy archetype, becoming beacons of light in a world shrouded in darkness.

Furthermore, the path of the Holy is one of selflessness and sacrifice. As healers and protectors, Holy users often find themselves at the forefront of danger, risking life and limb to ensure the safety of their allies. It is a calling that demands courage and resilience, as they navigate the perils of the battlefield with unwavering resolve and unwavering faith.

In conclusion, the Holy archetype in Ravendawn Online stands as a testament to the power of divine intervention in the face of adversity. Through healing and holy retribution, its practitioners embody the virtues of compassion and righteousness, striving to bring light to the darkest corners of the world. As players embark on their journey to master this sacred path, they will discover that true strength lies not in the sword or the spell, but in the boundless power of Dawn’s embrace.

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