Last Epoch: Ignite Frostclaw Elemental Nova Sorcerer Build

Last Epoch has been a playground for creative theory crafters and builders, and today we’re diving into the Hall of Fame episode for the Celestial Hlex Ignite Frostclaw Elemental Nova Sorcerer. This build is a testament to innovation and optimization, taking advantage of unique mechanics to unleash devastating elemental fury upon foes. Originally conceived as a means to spam Elemental Novas using Frostclaw, this build has evolved through patches and bug fixes, culminating in a powerhouse setup that dominates the battlefield.

Meet MMOexp:

To delve into the intricacies of this build, since version 0.85, MMOexp brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. His journey with the Ignite Frostclaw Elemental Nova Sorcerer began with a desire to reimagine and refine the build for the 1.0 patch, exploring the changes and maximizing its potential.

Key Improvements in Patch 1.0:

Highlights the crucial improvements introduced in patch 1.0 that elevated the build’s performance. Frostclaw received significant adjustments, reducing mana costs and enhancing mana recovery mechanics. This allowed for smoother gameplay and freed up-skill specialization slots for additional optimizations. Moreover, bug fixes, particularly addressing Elemental Nova’s scaling with area of effect, drastically improved damage output, ensuring that every nova hit its mark with precision.

Unleashing Massive Damage:

With these enhancements in place, the iteration of the build boasts staggering damage potential. Testing on dummies yielded over a million dots per tick, showcasing the build’s capability to decimate enemies swiftly. The synergy between Frostclaw and Elemental Nova creates a relentless barrage of elemental devastation, melting even formidable bosses like the Necro Dragon with ease.

Understanding the Build:

For newcomers, provides a succinct overview of the build’s mechanics. Leveraging Celestial Conflux on Frostclaw and synergizing it with Elemental Nova’s tree, the build focuses on triggering Elemental Nova multiple times per cast of Frostclaw. By maximizing cast repetitions and augmenting Elemental Nova’s area and damage, the build achieves unparalleled effectiveness in igniting foes and sustaining damage output.

Sorcerer vs. Rune Master:

A common question arises: why choose Sorcerer over Rune Master for this build? Explains that Sorcerer’s passive nodes offer substantial boosts to ignite duration, crucial for maximizing damage over time. Additionally, access to Meteor and the powerful Crater Born node further enhances damage potential and cast speed, making Sorcerer the preferred choice for this fiery arsenal.

Optimizations and Adaptations:

Throughout the discussion, elaborates on the optimizations and adaptations made to the build. Replacing Calamity with Crest of Unity, he emphasizes the latter’s superior utility as a stat stick and defensive asset. Furthermore, tweaks to mana cost reduction and adjustments in gear selection refine the build’s performance, ensuring smooth gameplay and formidable damage output.

Challenges and Triumphs:

Despite encountering challenges such as game optimization issues and adjustments to itemization post-patch, MMOexp navigates through them with ingenuity and perseverance. His dedication to refining the build yields impressive results, solidifying its status as a formidable contender in Last Epoch’s diverse landscape of builds.


The Ignite Frostclaw Elemental Nova Sorcerer stands as a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of Last Epoch’s player base. Through meticulous optimization and adaptation, MMOexp has crafted a build that exemplifies the thrill of theory crafting and the satisfaction of unleashing devastating elemental power. As players continue to explore the depths of Eterra, builds like this serve as beacons of inspiration, driving the community forward in pursuit of greatness.

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