The Power of Trades in Throne and Liberty

In the vast world of Throne and Liberty, players are constantly striving to enhance their characters, seeking the elusive combination of power and versatility. One key aspect that holds the key to achieving this goal is the intricate system of trade. Understanding how to unlock, upgrade, and convert trades can significantly impact your gameplay, turning your gear into a formidable force on the battlefield. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the nuances of the trading system, exploring the potential it holds for every aspiring adventurer.

The Basics of Trades

Before we embark on the journey of mastering trades, it’s crucial to grasp their fundamental nature. Trades are essentially modifiers or enhancements that can be applied to different pieces of gear, such as weapons, armor, and accessories. These trades offer various stat boosts, providing the necessary edge in battles. To access the world of trades, navigate to your inventory, click on a specific gear item, and select the trade list icon. This will unveil a comprehensive list of available trades, showcasing their associated benefits.

Unlocking Trades

The ability to unlock trades is a pivotal step in elevating your gear to its full potential. Imagine a powerful weapon with only a fraction of its potential trades unlocked; it’s like holding back the true force it could unleash. To unlock trades, you need duplicate items of the same type. For example, if you wish to unlock an additional trade for your ring, you’ll need another identical ring. Head to the gear enchanting section and combine the duplicate item with your existing gear to unlock a new trade.

Upgrading Trades

Once you’ve unlocked a trade, the journey doesn’t end there. Upgrading trades allows you to amplify their effects, making your gear even more formidable. Unlike unlocking trades, upgrading doesn’t require an exact duplicate item; any item of the same type will suffice. However, it’s important to note that the upgrade process isn’t foolproof. The inclusion of blessings, which act as fail stacks, can increase your chances of success. Be strategic in deciding when to utilize blessings to maximize your upgrade success rate.

Converting Trades

The ability to convert trades adds a layer of flexibility to your gear customization. Suppose you’re dissatisfied with a specific trade and desire something more fitting for your playstyle. In that case, the conversion option becomes invaluable. To execute a trade conversion, you’ll need both a duplicate item and a quality convert potion. This potion, available for purchase with in-game currency, facilitates the transformation of one trade into another, allowing you to tailor your gear precisely to your needs.

Marketplace Dynamics

It’s essential to note that once you engage in the trading system – be it upgrading or converting – the affected item becomes bound and loses its tradability in the marketplace. This introduces a strategic element to the game, forcing players to carefully consider their decisions. However, savvy adventurers can capitalize on the marketplace by extracting trades from gear and selling them independently. Extraction potions, available from specific merchants, open up a new avenue for earning in-game currency, known as Throne and Liberty Lucent.

Strategic Use of Trades

As you progress through the game and acquire coveted purple gear, the strategic use of trades becomes paramount. Consider your playstyle, preferred role, and overall strategy when unlocking, upgrading, and converting trades. The synergy between your character’s abilities and your gear’s trades can make the difference between a victorious conquest and a bitter defeat.


In the intricate world of Throne and Liberty, mastering the trade system is a game-changer. By unlocking, upgrading, and converting trades, you mold your gear into a personalized arsenal, ready to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. The strategic choices you make will define your character’s strength and resilience on the battlefield. As you embark on this journey of customization, remember that each decision contributes to the unique story of your character’s rise to glory.

By the way, do you want to get Throne and Liberty gear quickly? Accumulate enough TL Lucent to stay one step ahead in the game. offers you the best help. Good luck.

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